June 4, 2024

MassDOT Unit A Contract Ratification Results

First, we would like to thank all of our members who participated in the Contract Ratification. We received an outstanding turnout and are proud to have such high member involvement. 

Second, congratulations!

The members of MassDOT Unit A have voted to ratify the Proposed Successor Agreement and Closing Shift Differential MOU! This contract was historically ratified well before the end of the current contract, and we would not have been able to attain the parameters we did without the leadership of the Bargaining Team, the solidarity of the NAGE-led union coalition, or the Healey Administration.

The CBA highlights are as follows:
  • 11% in general pay increases over the three-year life of the contract, for a total of 20.59% in raises (including compounding between the current one-year contract and the new three-year contract)
    • 4% increase in July 2023 (already implemented)
    • 4% increase in January 2024 (already implemented)
    • 3% increase in January 2025
    • 2% increase in July 2025
    • 2% increase in January 2026
    • 2% increase in July 2026
    • 2% increase in January 2027
  • Increase in the minimum promotion factor from 3% to a minimum of 5%, effective January 2025
  • Increase standby pay to $35 per period (from $17.50), effective January 2025 
  • Increase Shift Differential by $1 per hour, effective January 2025 
  • Increase Weekend Differential by $1 per hour, effective January 2025 
  • Eliminate one-day limit on Weekend Differential, effective January 2025 
  • Double travel and overtime meal reimbursement, effective January 2025 
  • Implement Transportation Pass subsidy of 50% up to a monthly maximum of $150 for MBTA and Regional Transit Authorities, effective January 2025 
  • Implement Bi-lingual pay of $80 per pay period for employees providing translation services a significant portion of their work  day, effective January 2025 

The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available. 

Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement 
MOA - Closing Shift Differential 

May 29, 2024

Contract Ratification FAQ

We have received a number of questions on the contents of the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and MOA that are currently out for ratification. Since many of the questions are the same, we would like to address them for all of our members. Please find the FAQ below, along with the highlights and links to the CBA + MOA.
MassDOT Unit A Contract Ratification FAQ
Q: What is the “Closing Shift” differential?
A: For employees regularly working or assigned to the closing shift at the registry, a pay differential is granted. This applies to both those rotating onto the closing shift, and those who management knows regularly work until closing.

Q: If I rotate to a closing shift as a CSR, do I get the differential?
A: Yes. All CSRs, including Cashiers, are eligible for the differential if working the closing shift.

Q: Does the addition of a “Closing Shift” pay differential mean the Union agreed to extended hours for the registry?
A: No. The Union didn't negotiate extended hours or Saturday shifts. Under M.G.L 150E, Management solely decides Registry hours. However, the Union has secured pay differentials for those working such shifts.

Q: Why use the term “closing shift” instead of stating something like, “the 10:00AM to 6:00PM shift?" 
A: Management has changed Registry hours before, and they are at liberty to change them again. This language ensures that the benefit does not stop due to Management changing registry hours. Currently the closing shift is 10:00AM to 6:00PM, or thereabouts.

Q: What are we voting on?
A: We're voting on an 11% pay increase over the three-year life of the new contract. Combined with the compounding effects from our current one-year contract, this totals an incredible 20.59%, at least, in raises from 2023 to 2027 if this contract passes. This is a significant boost for all!
Additionally, voting “yes” leads to: Increase in the minimum promotion factor from 3% to a minimum of 5%, an increase to standby pay from $17.50 to $35, an increase Shift Differential by $1 per hour, effective January 2025, an increase to the Weekend Differential by $1 per hour, the elimination of the one-day limit on Weekend Differential, an increase to travel and overtime meal reimbursement, the implementation of a Transportation Pass subsidy of 50% up to a monthly maximum of $150 for MBTA and Regional Transit Authorities, and the implementation Bi-lingual pay of $80 per pay period for employees providing translation services a significant portion of their work day.

Nationally, and on the statewide level, there is a conversation going on that is pitting two sides against the other. Regardless of any outcomes, this secures your economic prosperity. It allows us to move forward with economic dignity and respect and serve the public as we are called upon to do.

Q: If we vote "no," how will this impact the operation of the Registry branches, including their hours? Specifically, will a “no” vote affect management's decisions regarding extending branch hours and Saturday shifts?
A: No, voting "no" will not impact how management operates the registry branches, including their hours. Management has full authority to decide the means, mode, and method of branch operations. If the contract is not ratified, you will continue to work the same hours without any of the added benefits proposed in the new agreement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to President John Mann at jmann@nage.org or (781) 630-2462, or Executive Vice President Paula Moura at pmoura@nage.org or (508) 317-4942.


NEWS - May 2024

Attention NAGE Members – a Special Colonial Life Open Enrollment is here!

Please schedule your 1:1 virtual meeting with a Benefit Counselor at the date and times below:

Starting May 28th  8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
CLICK HERE to schedule your 1:1 Virtual Appointment

No Health Questions for employees on Disability Insurance, Critical Illness with Cancer, Accident Insurance & Whole Life Insurance during this enrollment! 

We can also help with claims, review existing policies, and let you know about new benefits available when we meet with.

View full Colonial Life NAGE Member Benefit Flyer here. 

News - 2023 Contract 
Contract Funding Update

At long last, we are able to confirm the dates that your contractual raises and retro payments will be in your paychecks. NAGE advocated for our member's money to be in their checks as soon as possible, and we are pleased to report that the Healey Administration heard us, and has gotten it done. Both MassDOT and the Trial Court have confirmed that they will be following the Executive Branch's payment schedule. 

Please find the schedule below: 
  • The July 2, 2023 salary increase will be included in the December 22, 2023 pay advice.
  • Salary payments retroactive to July 2, 2023 will be included in the December 22, 2023 pay advice.
  • Retroactive payments of the additional 1% increase on Step 14 will be included in the January 5, 2024 pay advice.
The January 14, 2024 salary increase will be included in the February 2, 2024 pay advice. A copy of the notice that was sent out from HRD can be found linked here for reference

If you have any questions on the payout schedule, please contact your HR representative. 

We would also like to thank Governor Healey for her swift action in getting the legislation signed as soon as it came across her desk. 


NAGE Succeeds In Increasing Mileage Reimbursement

We are happy to announce that the Administration has responded favorably to our request to increase mileage reimbursement for NAGE members! As requested, the reimbursement has increased to 58.5 cents per mile, from the previous level of 45 cents per mile, effective March 20, 2022. NAGE is the first union to receive this agreement in the Commonwealth on behalf of our members.

NAGE would like to thank Governor Baker for his swift response to our request, to decrease the burden on our members who use their personal vehicles for work purposes. You can find the Mileage Reimbursement MOU linked below. 

Mileage Reimbursement Increase MOU


MassDOT Locals
John Mann
(781) 630-2462

Paula Moura
Executive Vice President
(508) 317-4942

Patrick Beaulieu
at-Large Vice President
(508) 245-5233

Donna Jackson
at-Large Vice President

Lauren Reardon
at-Large Vice President

Click here for Steward Bio
Susie McLean-Zady
at-Large Vice President
(617) 376-7231

Sheryl Pace-Webb
Chief Steward North East
(413) 273-2133
George Laite
Chief Steward


Katherine Stacey

Taunton RMV
Click here for bio

Cassandra Bearce

Quincy RMV

Click here for bio

Luke Hebert

Quincy RMV
Click here for bio

Elisabeth Williams

South Yarmouth
Click here for bio
Dee Wheeler

New Bedford RMV
Click here for bio
Robert Riley

Brockton RMV
Click here for bio
Crystal Copeland

Springfield RMV
Click here for bio
Where trade unions are most firmly organized, there are the rights of the people most respected. - Samuel Gompers
NAGE HEADQUARTERS 159 Burgin Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Union Local Tax Issues Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement.. Read more