National Association of Government Employees
Our Union
NAGE At A Glance
NAGE members live and work in 43 different states from Hawaii to Illinois to Florida. We are public and private workers—federal, state, county, and municipal employees—police officers, firefighters, correctional officers, health care workers—nurses, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians—office workers, and professional workers. We seek a stronger union to build power for ourselves and to protect the people we serve. We are the workers who make America work.
Women and men of every race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, physical ability and sexual orientation, we are the standard-bearers in the struggle for social and economic justice begun nearly half a century ago by shipyard workers who dared to dream beyond their daily hardships and to organize for economic security, dignity and respect.

State Division
NAGE represents 22,000 workers in over 60 state agencies in Massachusetts.
County and Municipal Division
Our county and municipal members are ad-techs, professionals, nurses, electricians, plumbers, caseworkers, and just about any other workers you can think of that keep our cities and towns running and our citizens healthy.

Federal Division
Our federal members work in the Department of Defense, Veterans Administration, National Park Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Homeland Security, National Marine Fisheries, Department of Transportation, and other federal corporations and agencies.
Public Safety Division
The International Brotherhood of Police Officers (IBPO) represents law enforcement officers in many areas of the country, particularly in the South and on the East Coast.
The International Brotherhood of Correctional Officers (IBCO) represents members throughout the state of Massachusetts and along the East Coast.

EMS Division
The International Association of EMTs and Paramedics (IAEP) and NAGE EMS combined create the largest EMS union in the country.
Our Affiliates
The New Jersey State Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association (NJFMBA) represents 5,000 firefighters and EMS providers across New Jersey.