National Association of Government Employees
Local 118
Trial Court
Assistant Chief Probation Officers,
First Assistant Chief Probation Officers,
Senior Community Corrections Probation Officers
Local 118 Posts & Updates
November 25, 2024
Election Results:
Trial Court Local 118 Executive Board - Secretary
Thank you to the members who participated in the election for Trial Court Local 118 Secretary.
Congratulations to the new Local 118 Executive Board:
President: John O'Connor, Plymouth Probate & Family Court
Executive Vice President: Lisa Antonelli Jones, Fall River District Court
Vice President at-Large: David DeCosta, Plymouth Probate & Family Court
Treasurer: Jessica Haggerty, Edgartown District Court
Secretary: Kevin Bucken, Suffolk Juvenile Court
November 21, 2024
Welcome to the NEW NAGE Websites!
NAGE is proud to announce that we have officially launched our new and updated versions of our NAGE website and affillate pages (like this one that you are viewing right now!).
As we continue to roll out these new updates and switch to this new platform, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we put the finishing touches on everything. There may be times when full accessibility to all of the pages and resources you are looking for are not currently available; please know that this will be temporary and we are working hard to make the website the best it can be for all of our members.
Free to reach out to to report any website errors or request any information you may need in the meantime.
We are so excited for this new era of the NAGE website and continuing to deliver NAGE members the tools that they need to be successful!
September 12, 2024
Supplemental Budget Enacted by the Legislature
The House and Senate reached agreement earlier today on a supplemental budget that included authorizations for NAGE’s new collective bargaining agreements.
The bill has been enacted successfully and sent to the Governor for her signature. We will provide an update as soon as the Governor has taken action.
Thank you to all NAGE members for your strong commitment to making this new collective bargaining agreement a reality!
July 2024
Reclassification Agreement
We are pleased to notify you that NAGE has entered into an agreement with the Trial Court for a job reclassification plan that will benefit all NAGE members.
The agreement provides as follows:
Reclassifications will go into effect January 27, 2025.
Two weeks after January 2025, the NAGE-negotiated 3% salary increase will go into effect for all members.
Member's current step dates will remain unchanged.
The promotional factor in the contract will be improved to a minimum 5% increase.
The new starting vacation rate will be 3 weeks per year. Employees currently accruing less than 3 weeks will move to a 3-week accrual schedule.
The new starting salary step will be Step 3. Employees below Step 3 will move up to Step 3 upon conversion.
The new salary schedule will look different than the current schedule, with more value between steps, and in some case new top steps. The overall average value of the new scale is 3% higher than the previous scale.
As many employees know, this proposed plan has been under discussion for some time. Credit goes to your Local President for working to ensure the best possible outcome from these negotiations, and for their insistence that we not move forward until we had assurances that we had secured the best possible outcome for our members.
If you need a copy of your title-specific crossalk and payband, please email Kelly Warner at Any questions about interpreting the documents should be directed to your Local President.
May 13, 2024
Contract Ratification Results
First, we would like to thank all of our members who participated in the Contract Ratification. We received an outstanding turnout and are proud to have such high member involvement.
Second, congratulations! With 89.92% of the ballots voting to Approve the Proposed Successor Agreement, you have voted to ratify your successor agreement! This contract was historically ratified well before the end of the current contract, and we would not have been able to attain the parameters we did without the leadership of the Bargaining Team, the solidarity of the NAGE-led union coalition, or the Healey Administration.
Agreement highlights include:
Effective January 2025: 3% Across the Board Increase
Effective July 2025: 2% Across the Board Increase
Effective January 2026: 2% Across the Board Increase
Effective July 2026: 2% Across thew Board Increase
Effective January 2027: 2% Across the Board Increase
Effective January 2025: Additional $1 per employee increase to Health and Welfare funding
Improved clothing reimbursement for Probation and Security
The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available.