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The Steward's Handbook

Providing Everything You Need


As front-line leaders at the worksite, NAGE stewards are required to wear many hats. They are problem solvers, educators, and communicators. And, most importantly, they are organizers. The Stewards Handbook outlines stewards' various duties and responsibilities in the workplace.

Your Role As Steward: The Basics

Get the basics about what you need as a steward, what your protections and duties are, and how to welcome new workers to the job.

Talking to Your Coworkers

The how-to of explaining NAGE and how we work as a union, explaining our dues system, and what a difference the union makes.

Closeup of comforting hands

Problem-Solving 101

What do you do when confronted with a problem. This section teaches how to identify problems, what you have a right-to-know as steward, how to analyze the problem, and working with management to resolve issues quickly.

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