National Association of Government Employees
NAGE Scholarships
The list of the NAGE 2024 Scholarship Winners can be found HERE. Congratulations to all the winners!
The 2025 NAGE Scholarship application is now open! Apply online through the link below.
In continuing our commitment to helping members and their families achieve their educational goals and dreams, NAGE is proud to announce the 21st Annual NAGE Scholarships program.
Each year, one hundred scholarships in the amount of $500 each are awarded in a lottery.
Applicants for the lottery drawing scholarships must be planning to attend or already be attending a two- or four-year college, graduate school, trade or technical school to be eligible.
Scholarships are available to members of NAGE, IBPO, IBCO, NAGE EMS and IAEP, and the member's spouse, child, step-child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or significant other. The application, which is available by clicking the link above, takes about 3 minutes to complete.
Scholarships will be awarded without regard to the sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or disability of any applicant.
NAGE Scholarship applications must be postmarked (or received if submitted electronically) no later than MAY 16, 2025.
Scholarship recipients will be chosen in a random drawing at the National Executive Board meeting; winners will be announced on this web site following the meeting.
Introducing: The NAGE Leadership Scholarship!
The list of the NAGE 2024 Leadership Scholarship Winners can be found HERE. Congratulations to all the winners!
The 2025 NAGE Leadership Scholarship application is now open! Apply online through the link below.
In continuing our commitment to helping members and their families achieve their educational goals and dreams, NAGE is proud to offer the NAGE Leadership Scholarship!
We will be awarding fifty (50) $500 scholarships to NAGE Stewards and Elected Officers, as well as their family members.
You can download an apply online through the link above.
Applications must be received by May 16, 2025 to be considered.
Q: Where can I get extra copies of the application?
A: You have a couple of options:
You can skip the hassle of paper copies and stamps and mailing, and instead, apply online with the links above.​
You can make photocopies of the application you download.
You can call or email Kevin Doyle at 617-376-7214 (direct line), 866-412-7762 (toll free), or and ask for additional copies.
Q: What is the deadline for submitting applications?
A: The deadline this year is May 16, 2025. All scholarship applications must be postmarked (or received if submitted electronically) no later than May 16, 2025.
Q: Can I submit applications for more than one family member?
A: Yes, but on separate forms; not together on one.
Q: Can I submit more than one application per person to increase my chances in the drawing?
A: No. Only one entry per applicant will be accepted. A winner can only receive one scholarship per year.
Q: When will scholarship winners be announced?
A: Scholarship recipients will be chosen in a lottery drawing at the spring National Executive Board meeting; winners will be posted on this web site within one week after that meeting.
Q: Who can apply for the scholarships?
A: The following applies to all three of the scholarships offered: Any member, the member’s spouse, child, niece, nephew, grandchild, dependent, or significant other. If you are unsure if your applicant is eligible, please call or email Kevin Doyle.
Q: I have a question that isn’t answered here; who should I get in touch with?
A: If your question isn’t answered here, please contact Kevin Doyle.
Phone (direct line): 617-376-7214
Phone (toll free): 866-412-7762