Jan 01, 2023

Trial Court Local R1-806, Assistant Chief Court Officers

Welcome to the new local page! 

Trial Court Local R1-806 By-laws
NAGE Trial Court MOU: July 2, 2023 - June 30, 2024
NAGE Trial Court Salary Chart: July 2, 2023 & January 14, 2024
Seniority Report as of 10.2023

Older MOUs and Salary Charts can be found at the bottom of the page. 

July 17, 2024

Trial Court Reclassification Plan 

We are pleased to notify you that NAGE has entered into an agreement with the Trial Court for a job reclassification plan that will benefit all NAGE members. The agreement provides as follows:
  • Reclassifications will go into effect January 27, 2025.
  • Two weeks after January 2025, the NAGE-negotiated 3% salary increase will go into effect for all members.
  • Member's current step dates will remain unchanged.
  • The promotional factor in the contract will be improved to a minimum 5% increase.
  • The new starting vacation rate will be 3 weeks per year. Employees currently accruing less than 3 weeks will move to a 3 week accrual schedule.
  • The new starting salary step will be Step 3. Employees below Step 3 will move up to Step 3 upon conversion.
The new salary schedule will look different than the current schedule, with more value between steps, and in some case new top steps. The overall average value of the new scale is 3% higher than the previous scale.
As many employees know, this proposed plan has been under discussion for some time. Credit goes to your Local President for working to ensure the best possible outcome from these negotiations, and for their insistence that we not move forward until we had assurances that we had secured the best possible outcome for our members.
You should have received an email showing the changes in your job series as well as your individual increase. If you did not receive this email, please reach out to Kelly Warner at kwarner@nage.org to request a copy.

MOA on Trial Court Reclassification

January 2025 Salary Chart

May 16, 2024

REMINDER: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 Plan Year is coming to a close
Have you submitted your Child Care/Elder Care Reimbursement Claim?

The submission deadline for all claims is July 31, 2024.

A copy of the SEIU/NAGE Local 5000 Trial Court of Massachusetts Health and Welfare Child Care/Elder Care Reimbursement Form is linked below.

Effective for the Plan Year of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, the full $750.00 maximum reimbursement will be issued when your claim is submitted. You no longer must wait for the additional $250.00 balance issued at the end of the Plan Year.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, contact the NAGE Fund Office at 1-800-641-0700 or email fundoffice@nage.org.

Trial Court Dependent Care Reimbursement Form
Dec 12, 2023
Contract Funding Update

At long last, we are able to confirm the dates that your contractual raises and retro payments will be in your paychecks. NAGE advocated for our member's money to be in their checks as soon as possible, and we are pleased to report that the Healey Administration heard us, and has gotten it done. Both MassDOT and the Trial Court have confirmed that they will be following the Executive Branch's payment schedule. 

Please find the schedule below: 
  • The July 2, 2023 salary increase will be included in the December 22, 2023 pay advice.
  • Salary payments retroactive to July 2, 2023 will be included in the December 22, 2023 pay advice.
  • Retroactive payments of the additional 1% increase on Step 14 will be included in the January 5, 2024 pay advice.
The January 14, 2024 salary increase will be included in the February 2, 2024 pay advice. A copy of the notice that was sent out from HRD can be found linked here for reference

If you have any questions on the payout schedule, please contact your HR representative. 

We would also like to thank Governor Healey for her swift action in getting the legislation signed as soon as it came across her desk. 

November 27, 2023
Local 806 Membership Meeting


The E-Board of Local 806 will be conducting a Membership meeting on Wednesday January 13th, 2024, on Zoom at 4:30 pm. The invite will be sent out in the next couple weeks. We will discuss active union issues pertaining to ACCOs as well as answering questions. We have decided to do a virtual meeting, because it will be more convenient and allow more members to attend.


The important subject of upcoming negotiations would be better served if we had all your proposal ideas ahead of time. We are asking all of you to fill out the survey below so we can get your position on matters and gather new ideas. That way we can put together a comprehensive proposal from Local 806 and not waste everyone’s free time on Zoom going back and forth. Please try to think of things that are most important to you and your role as an Assistant Chief Court Officer.


Survey: Local 806 Survey


Thank you for your participation and we hope to see you on January 13th.

November 11, 2023
Local 806 members,
I am writing to you all to express my sincerest thanks for the opportunity to serve as your President for the last ten months. The opportunity became available to apply, and successfully be awarded the position of Chief Court Officer of the Lynn Court Complex. Being the Assistant Chief for the last twenty years at both Lynn Juvenile and District, has helped provide me with a solid foundation with my coworkers and department heads that paved the way for the next step in my career. 
My hope was to establish fair and equitable representation for all members, all while building a solid working relationship with the Security Department and Labor Relations. We established these goals, listening to members’ concerns and had success in key areas. I have enjoyed speaking with many of you and wish you all continued success as Assistant Chiefs. It truly has been an honor. 
In accordance with our bylaws, Vice President Donohue will assume the role of your President, effective November 1, 2023. John has the experience, knowledge, and work ethic that is needed to continue to move our local forward. John has served as our Vice President since 2019 and was elected in the same role when our local split from the Court Officer/ Associate Court Officer locals this past year.
Michael T. Sorrenti
Former President 
July 10, 2023
Contract Funding Update

We have received a number of questions about the 1-year successor agreement that was ratified just a few weeks ago. We want to make sure that all of our members understand the funding timeline that comes after ratification. 

Now that the successor contract has been ratified by the membership, the Administration submits the contracts to the legislature for authorization and funding. 
The authorization language is normally passed by the legislature as part of a supplemental budget. While we do not know the timeline for the next supplemental budget yet, NAGE will advocate for the legislature to move as quickly as possible to get money in our member’s pockets. However, it is likely that the next supplemental budget will not be passed before the fall.
Please remember that raises take effect the first pay period in July 2023, but we anticipate the money to be in your paychecks sometime this fall, which would include retroactive payments back to July.
We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available. 


June 21, 2023
Contract Ratification Results 

First, we would like to thank all of our members who participated in the Contract Ratification.

Second, congratulations!

With a staggering 97.36% of the ballots voting to Approve the Proposed Successor Agreement, you have voted to ratify your 1-year successor agreement! This contract was hard fought, and we would not have been able to attain the parameters we did without the leadership of the Bargaining Team, the solidarity of the NAGE-led union coalition, or the Healey Administration

The successor agreement MOU highlights are as follows:
  • Two (2) 4% across-the-board pay increases. The first increase is effective July 2023, with the second following in January 2024. Due to compounding effect, the increases effectively total an 8.16% pay increase by January 2024.
  • Additional funding that we negotiated will go toward other economic improvements for our membership. NAGE intends to use these funds for the following:
    • $3/week per member increases to the NAGE Health and Welfare Trust Fund to enhance benefits for our members, including doubling the Dependent Care benefit and significant increases to dental benefits.
    • For any member making under $50,000.00, minimum $2,000 raises for both the July ‘23 and January ‘24 raises, respectively.
    • A .75% increase to those at the max step on the pay scale, effective July 2023. This increase is monumental, as even if you are not currently at the top step, you will likely benefit from this provision in the future: when you do reach the top step, it will then be .75% higher than it otherwise would have been without this provision. Your top step will also most likely be the Step you are at upon your retirement, and thus what it is based on.
The Administration will now be filing a supplemental budget for funds to be appropriated by the legislature for the successor agreement. We will keep you updated as any new information becomes available. 

In solidarity,

David J. Holway 
National President

Michael Sorrenti
Local President


June 2023
Contract Ratification Notice

NAGE is proud to announce that we have reached an agreement with the Trial Court for a 1-year successor contract. The contract ratification vote for the Trial Court is set to begin on Monday, June 12, 2023, via electronic ballot. Voting will run until Wednesday, June 21 at 9:00AM. 

I would like to thank the NAGE/Trial Court representatives and the Contract Negotiations Team who put forth an incredible effort to get this contract offer.
This contract offer, which is the richest in the history of collective bargaining in this state, is the result of many things. First, political involvement is important: we elect our employers, and NAGE has been a longtime supporter of our current governor Maura Healey. NAGE formed a coalition of state employee unions, led by EVP Theresa McGoldrick and Chief State Negotiator Kevin Preston, and worked hard to keep them together. The coalition asked NAGE President David Holway to be the lead negotiator and spokesperson in dealing with the new administration.
President Holway and the coalition leaders met with the Governor-elect and Lieutenant Governor-elect before they took office in December and outlined the financial harm done to state employees by the Baker years. After the Healey Administration took over, President Holway and the NAGE team sat down with the Secretary of Administration and Finance to hammer out a new contract. President Holway rejected the Commonwealth’s first offer and countered with what we are putting before you, which is what the Commonwealth accepted.
The fact that we have worked for years with Governor Healey and that she was open to free-flowing dialogue is a prime example of why political activism counts.
I would also like to note the fact that our coalition partners stuck together and sent a strong message that none of us would falter, further ensuring the success of this negotiation.  

In order to give you ample time to weigh the pros and cons of the agreement, the highlights and the MOU are provided below. 

The successor agreement MOU highlights are as follows:

  • Two (2) 4% across-the-board pay increases. The first increase is effective July 2023, with the second following in January 2024. Due to compounding effect, the increases effectively total an 8.16% pay increase by January 2024.
  • Additional funding that we negotiated will go toward other economic improvements for our membership. NAGE intends to use these funds for the following:
    • $3/week per member increases to the NAGE Health and Welfare Trust Fund to enhance benefits for our members, including doubling the Dependent Care benefit and significant increases to dental benefits.
    • For any member making under $50,000.00, minimum $2,000 raises for both the July ‘23 and January ‘24 raises, respectively.
    • A .75% increase to those at the max step on the pay scale, effective July 2023. This increase is monumental, as even if you are not currently at the top step, you will likely benefit from this provision in the future: when you do reach the top step, it will then be .75% higher than it otherwise would have been without this provision. Your top step will also most likely be the Step you are at upon your retirement, and thus what it is based on.

I want to remind everyone that execution of these increases is subject to the legislative funding process, which may slow it down. However, NAGE will keep everyone up to date on when they should receive these increases.

If you have any questions on the MOA, please contact your Local President.

*This number includes compounding.

Trial Court 1-year Successor Agreement MOU

March 27, 2023
Action Required: GIC Annual Open Enrollment

The Group Insurance Commission (GIC) Open Enrollment period will begin on April 5, 2023, and end on May 3, 2023.

All plan changes must be submitted by May 3, 2023, with no exceptions.

Plan changes should be submitted through the GIC Employee Benefit Portal. Your portal is available 24/7 and includes several resources to aide you during this open enrollment period. Log into make benefit changes, view your current GIC benefits, and access the 2023-2024 Benefit Guide.

Log Into The Benefit Portal Here


Significant Changes for 2023-2024

There are significant plan changes for the upcoming year and employees are encouraged to actively shop and evaluate health coverage options.

  • One of the significant changes to GIC’s offerings this year is due to the Tufts/Harvard merger including the elimination of one of GIC’s most popular plans (Tufts Navigator). Employees who are currently enrolled in a Tufts Nagivator plan will need to select a new plan.

  • Effective July 1, 2023, the new GIC prescription benefit provider will be CVS Caremark, replacing Express Scripts. If you are enrolled in medical coverage through the GIC, you will automatically receive prescription drug coverage through CVS Caremark. Employees who regularly utilize their prescription benefit are encouraged to contact Express Scripts and CVS Caremark to determine if any steps should be taken to transfer active prescriptions.

  • Also, effective July 1, 2023, the new Flexible Spending Account administrator will be Total Administrative Service Corporation (TASC), replacing Benefit Strategies. Members who wish to enroll in an Flexible Spending Account plan option for the upcoming plan year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) should review the directions in the Benefit Guide provided by GIC.

Benefit Guide
The 2023-2024 Benefit Guide has been published on the GIC website and provides information on upcoming plan changes, including but not limited to: available health insurance plans, coverage service areas, plan rates, prescription benefits, and flexible spending accounts.

We strongly encourageemployees to carefully review this benefit guide to better understand the changes and make informed decisions about coverage. Employees are encouraged to take the necessary steps to ensure plans meet their and/or family’s medical needs. You can do this by researching coverage plan information and contacting your current healthcare providers.

View The Benefit Guide Here

For More Information, employees should visit the GIC webpage for more information, as well as the GIC YouTubechannel to view the recorded GIC information sessions as an additional resource.

View the GIC information Session FAQ here

Jan 25, 2023
Letter to ACCOs from President Sorrenti
Below you will find a letter from Local President Michael Sorrenti to the ACCO members of Local 806. A PDF of the letter can also be found below. 

MACO Local 806 Members,
I would like to welcome all of you to our new Assistant Chief Court Officer’s local, MACO Local 806. My name is Assistant Chief Court Officer Michael Sorrenti, the President for Local 806. I am writing to introduce myself, provide you with my personal contact information, inform you of current changes that recently occurred and to provide you with some input on moving forward as a new ACCO Local.
For those of you that may not know me or do not know my employment background with the Trial Court, I think it is very important to provide you with some background information. I have been employed with the Trial Court as a Court Officer for a total of twenty-four and half years and an Assistant Chief Court Officer in Lynn Juvenile/District court for nineteen and half years. In July of 2016, I was elected as a Union Official for Local 458 and in 2019, I was elected as President and served for over three years. Throughout that time, I have learned many things, fought for many members, and devoted my time to represent the body as a whole, which included all ACCO’s, CO’s and ACO’s.
As you may know, more recently, Assistant Chief Court Officers have separated from Local 458 and developed a new Local under NAGE/SEIU 5000, Local 806. This change happened very quickly and became official as of January 5, 2023. The decision to separate from the other members (CO’s and ACO’s), was difficult and not taken carelessly. However, after reviewing the NAGE survey results that concluded in September 2022 and speaking with many Assistant Chief Court Officers it became apparent that this change is more beneficial and the best avenue for Assistant Chiefs moving forward.
As ACCO’s, we did have a voice at the table during Labor Management and Negotiations meetings and made strides in improving the pay scale, increasing our responsibilities as supervisors and other benefits. However, as a Local Executive Board of approximately fifteen members that consisted of two ACCO’s, eleven CO’s, and two ACO’s, we, as a group had to determine the priorities and needs to address for the body as a whole.
This change gives us a chance to strengthen our position and have a stronger voice at the table. We will focus and prioritize the needs and wants of Assistant Chiefs and our quality of life. It is my belief, as well as many other ACCO’s, that this will ultimately benefit us moving forward to be recognized and appreciated as a select group of supervisors. It will provide us the opportunity to formulate goals and present important proposals that are designated and depict the essential necessities of ACCO’s. This change presents the future prospect to affect positive change for ACCO’s by eliminating unnecessary noise that may have occurred in the past.
WE can now be the deciding factor of what is best for OUR Local.
To improve our communication as a group moving forward, I would kindly ask that each of you provide me an email address and phone number. I look forward to working with and representing each and every one of you. To the right, you will find my contact information as well as our Local 806 Executive Board members contact information. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

PDF of President Sorrenti's Letter to the Membership
Jan 18, 2023
Comp Time Pay Down
The Trial Court has informed the Union that the collectively bargained, semi-annual Comp Time pay down compensation should be reflected in pay checks dated February 3, 2023.
Jan 11, 2023
Union Sends Trial Court Notice to Commence Bargaining
Earlier this week, NAGE sent a formal notice to the Trial Court to commence bargaining for a new contract. The current collective bargaining agreement expires June 30, 2023.

Local Executive Boards will be meeting to develop proposals over the next several weeks.

NAGE will keep you updated as the process evolves.

Back to NAGE News
Local R1-806
Executive Board

John Donohue
Haverhill District Court

Thomas M. Arcadipane
Lemonister District

James W. Shea
North Hampton Probate Court 

Mike Britton
Chief Steward
Lawrwnc Fenton Center
We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few; but we can't have both. - Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
NAGE HEADQUARTERS 159 Burgin Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Union Local Tax Issues Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement.. Read more